Monday, November 15, 2010

Stranger than Paradise (1)

Stranger Than Paradise 1
Uploaded by esclavedelabsolu. - See the latest featured music videos.
This is about a self-styled New York hipster who is
paid a surprise and quite unwelcome visit by his pretty sixteen-year-old
Hungarian cousin. From initial hostility and indifference a strange
affection grows between the two exiles. Due to complete boredom they
decide to visit their aunt in the wastelands of Cleveland and then
proceed to sunny Florida where they lose all their money and unwittingly
gain a fortune. With a final ironic twist, they are at the end, back
where they began. Written by J.Arnold Free Willie
is a pre-slacker-era slacker living in New York City. His cousin Eva
from Hungary visits him for several days, and then goes to Cleveland to
stay with their Aunt Lotte. One year later, Willie and his friend Eddie
take a road trip to Cleveland to visit Eva and Aunt Lotte. Written by Mathew Englander

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